What will you learn?
In this step by step guide you will learn how to download and install the Fabric API mod which is a requirement for a lot of mods used by Fabric.
Fabric API is the core library for the most common hooks and compatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain. Fabric’s APIs are lightweight and modular, making porting faster and game instances leaner.
Step 1
Click the button labeled Download Fabric API Here to redirect you to the Fabric API download website
Step 2
Download the desired version of the Fabric API, make sure this version matches your Fabric Installation.

Step 3
Now wait five seconds for the download to start automatically.

Step 4
Now you should see a Jar file appear somewhere in your browser, generally, it will appear in the bottom left.

Step 5
Head to your Minecraft Launcher and select Installations, in here look for your Fabric instance and open the folder that appears when you hover over it.

Step 6
Within the folder that opens look for another folder called “mods”. In case this folder doesn’t exist just right click and create a new one.

Step 7
Now drag and drop the jar file we downloaded previously into the recently opened mods folder.

Step 8
Now go back to your Minecraft launcher and launch the Fabric Instance to which we added the Fabric API.

You are now ready to enjoy Fabric with the Fabric API which will now let you add a lot of other mods and have no compatibility issued with Minecraft.
Let us know what mods you add in the comment section.
Let us know as well if this guide was useful to you, we hope we did our best helping you install Fabric API.